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Meet Jonas Granström – Responsible for Emergency Phones at Hissgruppen

Interview with Jonas Granström

We have had the privilege of sitting down with Jonas Granström. He is responsible for elevator emergency phones and has extensive experience in the elevator industry. During the conversation we touched on, among other things, how elevator emergency phones are monitored to ensure functionality in an emergency, how the emergency services are notified and much more.

Jonas Granström has worked in the elevator industry for 37 years and for the past 17 years he has been at Hissgruppen, which is a part of the Motum Group. Since 2009, Jonas has handled emergency phones for Hissgruppen’s customers, which means that Jonas provides services, installs new and upgrades existing emergency phones.He is also one of the technicians that is contacted by customers when they need support.

Would you like to tell us a little about emergency phones for elevators?

“Most elevators have an emergency phone and if you have one, it needs to be connected to a monitoring centre. We monitor our customers’ elevators and emergency phones every day. If a situation arises where you get stuck in your elevator, a signal is sent to the monitoring centre from which we receive a report. We go out 24/7 regardless of whether it’s evening or weekend,” says Jonas Granström, responsible for emergency phones at Hissgruppen.

What happens if the emergency phone does not work?

If the emergency phone does not work, the elevator is considered unusable and must not be used. If an emergency phone is installed, it must be in operation. The cost of installing an emergency phone varies between different service providers. However, if you are interested in knowing what applies to a specific elevator, the best thing is to book a meeting where you can get a cost estimate.

“My advice to property owners and housing cooperatives who are faced with changing their elevator emergency phone, is to plan ahead and ask for help when inventorying their equipment. That way you can find out if you have the right conditions for upgrading the elevator emergency phone,” Jonas concludes.

The market is currently under severe pressure in terms of materials. At Motum, we can only help our customers with emergency phones. If you are not a customer of Motum or one of our subsidiaries today but want our help, we will be happy to tell you more about how we can be a long-term service partner for your elevator.

Want to know more about how we improve safety in elevators?

We always strive to combine the aesthetics of the building with functionality of the best quality. Through safe installations of all kinds of elevators, we can offer property owners and the property’s visitors a better elevator experience.

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The Motum Group is Sweden’s largest independent elevator and door supplier. Together, we are more than 300 employees from north to south who provide maintenance, modernization and installation of new elevators and automatic doors. Sustainability is a guiding principle at Motum and we place great importance on our solutions being good for both people and the environment. To give our customers as much freedom of choice as possible, we work exclusively with open protocol systems.

Motum AB, c/o ITK AB, PO Box 11034, SE-161 11 Bromma Sweden, E-mail: