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Sustainability through the modernization of elevators

Modernizing elevators is in line with Motum’s support for Agenda 2030 and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development adopted by the UN member countries in 2015. Our ambition is to become a leading operator in sustainability and drive the development of sustainability within the industry. Modernizing elevators means that we harness the environment while simultaneously enhancing the quality of life for those who live and work in the property.

Modernizing elevators, the environmentally friendly alternative.

Combating climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. At Motum, we often advocate for the modernization of elevators instead of tearing them down and installing new ones. Consequently, the parts that work and are in good condition are kept, while parts that are worn out or can be replaced by better components – to, for example, increase operational reliability and reduce energy consumption – are replaced. This means getting a modern and safe elevator while preserving the old feeling. Together with Chalmers University in Gothenburg, we have written a report which clearly states that modernization produces at least a 50% lower environmental impact than installing a new one. Modernizing the elevator is not always possible, but more often so than most people think. Motum is the obvious choice if you are considering modernizing an existing elevator in the property.

Our sustainability efforts through the modernization of elevators.

Motum’s sustainability initiatives are based on specific activities within the four interim objectives:

#5 Gender Equality

Motum complies with applicable national laws and regulations and works actively to promote equality and diversity within the organisation.

#8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Motum complies with applicable national laws and regulations and is covered by a collective agreement. The company works continuously to create a safe working environment for the employees.

#11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Motum is leading the way towards sustainable cities by raising the awareness of property owners and housing cooperatives about the environmental benefits of modernizing your old elevator instead of replacing the entire elevator.

#12 Responsible consumption and production

Motum works actively to reduce the carbon footprint of the company and the elevator industry by promoting the modernization of old elevators. The company has also begun a gradual conversion of the company’s vehicle fleet to more eco-friendly vehicles.

Sustainability Report 2022

Welcome to the Motum Group’s Sustainability Report for the business year 2022. The Sustainability Report provides a general view of what we achieved in the past year and which areas we will focus on in the coming years.

Sustainability Report 2021

Welcome to the Motum Group’s Sustainability Report for the business year 2021. The report provides a general view of the group’s sustainability work with focus on what we have achieved in the past year and what we will continue to work on in 2022.

Sustainability Report 2020

Welcome to the Motum group’s Sustainability Report for the business year 2020. The report provides a general view of the group’s sustainability work with focus on what we have achieved in the past year and what we will continue to work on.

The Motum Group is Sweden’s largest independent elevator and door supplier. Together, we are more than 300 employees from north to south who provide maintenance, modernization and installation of new elevators and automatic doors. Sustainability is a guiding principle at Motum and we place great importance on our solutions being good for both people and the environment. To give our customers as much freedom of choice as possible, we work exclusively with open protocol systems.

Motum AB, c/o ITK AB, PO Box 11034, SE-161 11 Bromma Sweden, E-mail: